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ММитин07.09.2007 14:40:20
Знаю, но если у сперматозоида будут "кривые" хромосомы, все остальные параметры будут уже НЕ ТАК ВАЖНЫ.

А все эти "подвижности", "патологические формы" и т.д. - это лишь характеристика средств доставки. Образно говоря, как ракета с ядерной боеголовкой - если ракета вся супер-пупер, а боеголовка некондиционная, эффекта от нее чуть.

Покажите мне плз. исследования на влияние фолиевой кислоты на параметры, которые перечислены вами, не говоря даже о влиянии на гомозиготный набор хоромосом.

Яндекс (http://www.yandex.ru/yandsearch?text=%22%F4%EE%EB%E8%E5%E2%E0%FF+%EA%E8%F1%EB%EE%F2%E0+%E8+%F1%EF%E5%F0%EC%E0%22) про это вообще молчит как рыба.

Западники вроде что-то увидели у субфертильных мужчин, но опять толком не понятно, если даже эффект есть, то он от цинка или от фолиевой кислоты:

Int J Androl. 2006 Apr;29(2):339-45.

Does folic acid and zinc sulphate intervention affect endocrine parameters and sperm characteristics in men?

Ebisch IM, Pierik FH, DE Jong FH, Thomas CM, Steegers-Theunissen RP.

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

We evaluated pre- and post-intervention endocrine and semen parameters in a double-blind, placebo-controlled intervention study to investigate the underlying mechanism of increased sperm concentration after folic acid and zinc sulphate intervention. A total of 47 fertile and 40 subfertile males participated in a 26-week intervention study consisting of a daily treatment with folic acid (5 mg/day) and zinc sulphate (66 mg/day), or placebo. Pre- and post-intervention semen parameters, serum folate, zinc, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), testosterone and inhibin B concentrations were measured. The results indicated that intervention treatment significantly increased sperm concentration in subfertile males. Other semen and endocrine parameters were not affected by intervention treatment. At baseline, positive correlations were found between serum zinc and sperm concentration, motility and inhibin B. Serum zinc and FSH were inversely correlated. As (already) well known from previous research, inhibin B positively correlated with sperm concentration, motility and morphology, and was inversely correlated with FSH. The latter was positively correlated with testosterone. In addition, testosterone and inhibin B were inversely correlated. After intervention, the correlations with zinc disappeared. We conclude that the increase in sperm concentration after folic acid and zinc sulphate intervention is not the result of alterations in FSH, testosterone or inhibin B concentrations. Although zinc and folate have several effects on spermatogenesis, the underlying mechanisms involved are not clear.

PMID: 16533356 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

И то, исследователи обратили внимание, что речь идет лишь об увеличении концентрации спермы у себфертильных мужчин, никакого другого влияние они не увидели! И уж тем более на снижения риска развития дефектов нервной трубки.

Еще одна статья:

Hum Reprod. 2005 Apr;20(4):1006-12. Epub 2005 Jan 21.

Antioxidant intake is associated with semen quality in healthy men.

Eskenazi B, Kidd SA, Marks AR, Sloter E, Block G, Wyrobek AJ.

140 Earl Warren Hall, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-7360, USA. eskenazi@berkeley.edu

BACKGROUND: We seek to determine whether dietary and supplement intake of specific micronutrients (zinc and folate) and antioxidants (vitamins C, E and beta-carotene) is associated with semen quality. METHODS: Ninety-seven healthy, non-smoking men provided semen and were interviewed. Average daily nutrient intake from food and supplements was derived from a self-administered food frequency questionnaire. Intake levels were summarized as low, moderate and high. Semen volume, sperm concentration, total sperm count, motility, progressive motility and total progressively motile sperm count (TPMS) were measured. RESULTS: After controlling for covariates, a high intake of antioxidants was associated with better semen quality but, in almost all cases, there was no clear dose relationship in that moderate intake groups had the poorest semen quality. For example, positive associations were observed between vitamin C intake and sperm number as reflected in the higher mean count (P=0.04), concentration (P=0.05) and TPMS (P = 0.09); between vitamin E intake and progressive motility (P = 0.04) and TPMS (P = 0.05); and between beta-carotene intake and sperm concentration (P = 0.06) and progressive motility (P = 0.06). Folate and zinc intake were not associated with improved semen quality. CONCLUSIONS: In a convenience sample of healthy non-smoking men from a non-clinical setting, higher antioxidant intake was associated with higher sperm numbers and motility.

PMID: 15665024 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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